Winds - Surface and Aloft Including 24-hour and 48-hour Forecasts

Your Weather Center

For information on prevailing winds, click here or on the diagram at right.

For more information on global wind patterns, click here.

For a detailed explanation of wind barbs, click here.

Millibars to Altitude conversion   (standard pressure)
    1013 mb = 0000'     0812 mb = 6000'     0500 mb = FL 180
    0977 mb = 1000'     0782 mb = 7000'     0400 mb = FL 240
    0942 mb = 2000'     0753 mb = 8000'     0300 mb = FL 300
    0908 mb = 3000'     0724 mb = 9000'     0225 mb = FL 360
    0875 mb = 4000'     0697 mb = 10,000'     0175 mb = FL 420
    0843 mb = 5000'     0650 mb = 12,000'     0125 mb = FL 480

Click on a chart to see the full website.

Current Winds - see 24 and 48 hour forecasts at right

Surface Winds

Winds at 3,000 Feet

Winds at 6,000 Feet

Winds at 9,000 Feet

Winds at 12,000 Feet

Winds at 18,000 Feet

Winds at 24,000 Feet

Winds at 30,000 Feet (Jet Stream)

Winds at 36,000 Feet

Winds at 42,000 Feet

Winds at 48,000 Feet

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Winds - 24-hour forecasts

Surface Winds - 24-hour forecast

Winds at 3,000 Feet - 24-hour forecast

Winds at 6,000 Feet - 24-hour forecast

Winds at 9,000 Feet - 24-hour forecast

Winds at 12,000 Feet - 24-hour forecast

Winds at 18,000 Feet - 24-hour forecast

Winds at 24,000 Feet - 24-hour forecast

Winds at 30,000 Feet (Jet Stream) - 24-hour forecast

Winds at 36,000 Feet - 24-hour forecast

Winds at 42,000 Feet - 24-hour forecast

Winds at 48,000 Feet - 24-hour forecast

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Winds - 48-hour forecasts

Surface Winds - 48-hour forecast

Winds at 3,000 Feet - 48-hour forecast

Winds at 6,000 Feet - 48-hour forecast

Winds at 9,000 Feet 48-hour forecast

Winds at 12,000 Feet - 48-hour forecast

Winds at 18,000 Feet - 48-hour forecast

Winds at 24,000 Feet - 48-hour forecast

Winds at 30,000 Feet (Jet Stream) - 48-hour forecast

Winds at 36,000 Feet - 48-hour forecast

Winds at 42,000 Feet - 48-hour forecast

Winds at 48,000 Feet - 48-hour forecast

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