CO2 Levels |
Historic Temperatures |
Tyranny or Freedom? |
Compared to the entire previous history of the Earth, the CO2 levels for the past 40-50 million years have been the lowest ever - dangerously near the starvation-level for plant life.   We should be doing everything we can to increase the CO2 level in the Earth's atmosphere. |
Compared to the previous 10,000 years, the past 1600 years have been unusually cold. Even including the warming spike about 1000 AD, the overall average is still well below the norm.   The temperature over the last 750 years has been even more abnormally below-average. |
The entire human-induced climate-change deception has been with the goal of achieving political control over people who now live in freedom.
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Climate change is
See more in the latest
A thousand years ago, things were much warmer.
The Vikings farmed Greenland for 300 years.   Greenland cannot be farmed now; it is too cold.   The glaciers in Alaska were either greatly reduced compared to today, or perhaps absent entirely.
By five hundred years ago, the weather had gotten much colder.
Glaciers are not a permanent part of the landscape.
Things are warmer now.   Alaskan glaciers are receding, to the alarm of some who are ignorant of natural history.   And yet Antarctica's snow cover and ice sheet have reached their highest levels ever recorded.   That should tell you that the natural wobbles in the Earth's rotation and solar orbit have reduced the solar heating of the southern hemisphere, while increasing the solar heating of the northern hemisphere.
Anything between (and to some extent beyond) those two temperature "extremes", as we observe presently, is statistical, natural variation.   Temperatures are never static, on any scale of time - 1 year, 10 years, 100 years, 1,000 years, 10,000 years, or more.   The world's temperatures, CO2 levels, etc., fluctuate due to various long-term and short-term natural cycles.   As the UN's IPCC states: "Climate has always varied on all time-scales"
The causes are not just solar (the Sun being a variable star), but probably cosmological to some extent as well (though luckily for us, at a minimal level over the last 10,000 years; see this article about a supernova that may have caused a mass-extinction event on Earth about 2.6 million years ago).
The different factors, known and unknown, compound and counter-act each other on a regular basis, far beyond the impact of humanity's activities, and in a complexity that confounds our understanding at present.   In mathematical parlance, the environmental impact of humanity's activities gets lost in the much greater variability of natural activity.
When people whose goal is to have political control over your life are repeatedly caught in lies about the climate data, that data is worthless.
When there are those who plot to steal away the First-Amendment free-speech rights of dissenters, and attempt to use climate change as an excuse of destroying all your rights, their goals should be crystal clear.   They are not interested in removing a danger, but in gaining control over people for their own tyrannical ends.
From page 26 of the
2016 Democratic Party platform (or see the pdf here),
carte blanche to undermine and attack your freedom of speech:
"... calling on the Department of Justice to investigate alleged corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies who have reportedly misled shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate change was also adopted by unanimous consent."
That statement, given the opportunity to be implemented and enforced if the Democrats took power, would translate into endless lawsuits against oil and coal companies, draining their resources and reducing their profits - solely because they voice their dissent in opposition to those in power - in opposition to would-be dictators with no respect for freedom; people who view climate change as nothing more than a excuse for subverting our freedom, and as a gateway to their tyrannical grasp of power.
Implemented into law, it would make this web page illegal.   And as simply as that, your First Amendment rights to free speech would be dead.
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on "global warming" - "the world will end in 12 years".   And of course, you should follow her dictates:   "Should we still have children?"
Note that the founder of Greenpeace lambasted AOC for her silly comments.
If the data was valid, its proponents would not have to lie and cheat and threaten.
To prove a theory as valid requires incontrovertible, inductive and deductive proof.
To prove a theory invalid takes only a single discrepancy. The claim of human-induced climate-change is full of discrepancies.
Consider all those government "scientists" supposedly supporting human-induced climate-change as a "fact":
If your source of income – be it salary or grants – is provided by the government, your income depends on providing research supporting government policies – i.e., supporting the President's political policies and objectives. The government does not support research that would contradict or undermine those policies.
Any honest scientists, or any scientists whose interests lie outside those government intentions, will by choice or by being viewed as non-supportive, necessarily seek employment elsewhere – in private universities or businesses. Those entities unfortunately have more limited budgets, making competition for those jobs much greater. Scientific research in businesses must necessarily support business profitability; purely scientific research and the need for research in climate science is rarely seen as supportive.
Since most research occurs in universities whose budget is largely paid by government grants, or in government agencies, free scientific inquiry is to a large degree absent.
Human-induced climate change is a political hoax – a lie.
See these two news articles for more about using climate-change as a political tool.
If you fall for the Climate Change Hoax, you give wannabe dictators the justification, invitation, and opening to order you to do what they want you to do.
Undermining your rights – America's Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and entire legal system – is the goal of every attempt to convince you of the validity of human-induced climate change.
Still not seeing it? Actions speak louder than words.
Click here to let ex-President Obama and his wife make it clear to you.
Changes in the climate are a natural part of our environment; see the graphs below.   The whole issue of human-induced climate-change is junk science.
Climate change is a political issue, with political ramifications - freedom vs. control - and not a scientific issue.
See the PDF Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate.
World Ocean Temperatures - Track them yourself, and learn the facts.
Also see the Ocean Temperatures webpage for more information.
Water vapor – the greenhouse gas with the most impact – has been in a decline since records were kept
Plants require at least 200 ppm (parts per million) of CO2 in the atmosphere to survive.   The current level of 400-410 ppm is not too far above starvation-level for plants.   The periods with the most plant growth had much higher levels of CO2, as shown below.   An increase in the level of CO2 will provide a big increase in agricultural producton, reducing hunger, and in increased plant life generally around the world.
Even the worst of the anticipated levels of CO2 are far below what would be harmful to animals and humans.
More CO2 is better, not worse.
Less CO2 >> less plants >> less food.
More CO2 >> more plants >> more food.
The CO2 levels for the past 50 million years has been lower than at any time in the past 250 million years - since before the dinosaurs walked the earth.
No correlation between CO2 levels and temperature
Look how little solar energy is absorbed by CO2!
Miracosta College
Atmospheric Processes and Climate.
Holocene Temperature Variations – Note that the present temperatures are shown to be below the Climactic Optimum.
The Holocene Period is from 11,650 years ago to the present.
Greenland Tempertures In the Past 10,000 Years – the present temperatures are running well below the average
Fluctuations in temperatures of this magnitude and duration can only be due to solar fluctuations (again, the Sun is a variable star).   But why does volcanic activity increase during those periods? The Earth does not change significantly - except for the amount of heat it receives from the Sun.   Heating makes any material expand, and cooling makes any material contract.   That contraction while cooling would (1) increase the pressure on the Earth's molten interior, and (2) create cracks on the Earth's surface.   The pressure would tend to force the molten fluid up through those cracks, and through the porous outer crust, causing the volcanos of note.
Harris and Mann:
The North Pole In 1962 - Being Clear Of Ice Is Nothing New
Also see the historic Arctic ice levels.
Temperatures are never static, on any scale of time - 1 year, 10 years, 100 years, 1,000 years, 10,000 years, or more.
As stated by the UN's IPCC: "Climate has always varied on all time-scales".
Visit this webpage for graphs and information on the cooling trends of the past 65 million years, the past 5 million years, the last 10,000 years, the growing ice coverage of Greenland and Antarctica, and more.
Global Temperature Change from 1880 to 2020
More questions about climate and the weather?   Email them here.
Here is a very perceptive quote:
Climate Depot's Marc Morano compared the push to quickly ratify UN agreement to the sudden release of U.S. hostages by Iran in 1981 shortly after Republican Ronald Reagan was elected president. "The international climate community is terrified of the prospect of a Trump presidency, and with good reason," said Mr. Morano. "Trump has pledged to do a full 'Clexit' and pull out of the U.N. Paris Agreement, overturn the EPA executive orders on climate and defund" the U.N. expert panel that has strongly pressed the case for man-made global warming.
"But the reality is, this treaty is about forcing the U.S. and Europe to redistribute wealth, and it's about enriching the U.N.," he said. "You may as well believe in witchcraft if you actually believe that the U.N. can control the Earth's temperature and manage storminess."
Below is a graph of six computer models forecasting the path of Hurricane Matthew, on 7 October, 2016.
It appears as though there is a total lack of consensus on a simple multi-day forecast.
Actually, however, this is a standout example of Ensemble Forecasting. That process uses multiple models, each run with with multiple sets of input parameters.
This is essentially the making of a number of guesses, in hopes that one will be fairly close. This is no more than guessing the result of rolling the dice. If you make enough guesses, one is bound to be right. The use of Ensemble Forecasting in and of itself implies the total inability to foreast the weather.
In the end, none of the forecasts got it right - not even reasonably close. The storm went up the coast, joining a cold front sweeping across the U.S. (which is typical), through New Jersey and on up to Maine, Newfoundland, and on across the north Atlantic in the usual manner.
Extrapolating planetary weather over decades is more difficult by many orders of magnitude, which makes any such forecast no more accurate than the roll of the dice.
The UN's IPCC, in its Third Assessment Report (or see the pdf here), published in 2001, agreed that their models lack any reliability, as shown in these quotes.
In fact, the climate modelers do not even attempt to model natural climate change, such as the examples shown here.
From the book, Global Warming Skepticism for Busy People, by Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer:   their "models cannot reproduce natural climate change" and are "based on the assumption that the climate system doesn't change naturally on the time scale of hundreds of years."
Yet it is clearly evident that natural climate change does occur on a constant and ongoing basis.   Temperatures are never static, on any scale of time - 1 year, 10 years, 100 years, 1,000 years, 10,000 years, or more.   As stated by the UN's IPCC: "Climate has always varied on all time-scales".
Dr. Spencer notes, "Climate modelers don't understand the cause of natural climate cycles."   This results in circular logic:   "models that cannot simulate natural climate change, but are programmed to be dominated by human-induced climate change, are used as 'proof' that only humans can cause climate change."   In other words, modelers "point to their models as evidence of what they assumed to begin with."
Earthly influences on its climate
The impact on the climate of the Earth's internal warmth is unknown and cannot be predicted.
The Earth's magnetic poles continually drift, and periodically swap. The most recent swap was 42,000 years ago, and had a substantial impact on Earth's climate.
The impact of the current drift of the north pole (from north Canada to north Russia) on climate is unknown and cannot be predicted.
Similarly, continental drift (i.e., movement of tectonic plates, the cause of earthquakes) is continuous and ongoing. The impact on the planet's weather is unknown and cannot be predicted.
The causes of changes in Earth's average temperatures and CO2 levels are unknown and cannot be predicted.
The impact of climate on the severity of hurricanes and the levels of precipitation and cloud cover are unknown and cannot be predicted.
Volcanic eruptions have had substantial impacts on the Earth's climate and thus the planet's life, from mass extinctions to minor disruptions from global cooling, to eruptions that are locally destructive and/or that spew enough dust into the atmosphere to reduce the levels of sunlight reaching the ground for much of the world.
The causes of volcanic eruptions and the degree of the resulting impacts are unknown and cannot be predicted.
Changes in the Earth's average temperature and CO2 levels cannot be correlated to each other, or to other factors, excepting large volcanic eruptions such as occurred during the Younger Dryas period, about 13,000 - 11,500 years ago.
CO2 levels have been particularly low for the past five million years, and (for plant life) dangerously low during the Ice Ages of the past million years.
There is a direct correlation between CO2 levels, plant growth, and food supply.
Likewise, temperatures have been unusually low for the past four million years.
Temperatures began dropping further for unknown reasons 700 years ago, hitting a minimum about 1650.  Temperatures have been recovering since then, but are still colder than prior to 1300.
Due to natural perturbations and oscillations in the Earth's orbit in the last 1.5 million years, a dozen ice ages have occurred, with the most recent ending about 11,000 years ago. Based on those orbital calculations, another ice age is somewhat imminent.
The result would be mile-thick layers of ice covering Canada, the northern U.S., northern Europe, and Russia, decimating human and animal populations and most plant life. Ocean levels would fall accordingly (13,000 years ago, people walked from Siberia to Alaska, in various migrations into the New World). CO2 levels would fall precipitously, endangering the survival of plants world-wide, and thereby animal life as well.
Solar influences on Earth's climate
The impact on Earth's climate of the changes and perturbations of the Earth's orbit around the sun is unknown and cannot be predicted.
The Sun is a variable star. The impact on Earth's climate of the variations in the Sun's output of light, heat, and other radiation is unknown and cannot be predicted.
Cosmic influences on Earth's climate
The impact on Earth's climate of cosmic radiation (i.e., that from other suns, novas, supernovas, black holes, etc.) is unknown and cannot be predicted.
Cosmic events, from the most dramatic examples such as the meteor impact that killed the dinosaurs (and most life on Earth) 65 million years ago, the supernova of a nearby star 2.5 million years ago, and the meteor impact at the start of the Younger-Dryas period about 12,000 years ago, have impacted Earth's climate and caused mass extinctions on a number of occasions.
Cosmic events of minor or minimal impact are constant or daily occurrences, but their combined effect on the weather is unknown and cannot be predicted.
With so many unknowns ...
Statistical modeling is presented as a viable means of predicting the weather – and climate.
"Climate has always varied
on all time-scales" – U.N.'s IPCC
As noted, the causes of that variation are substantially unknown and the impacts cannot be predicted.
In this context, "climate change" and "climate variation" are synonymous.
The Accuracy of Weather Predictions
In 1963, meteorologist Edward Lorenz showed mathematically that, due to all the unknown sources of impacts on Earth's climate, reasonably accurate weather prediction beyond about three days is impossible.
You can easily and simply prove this for yourself: visit any website which provides a one-week (seven-day) forecast; e.g., see the five different week forecasts shown at:
Save a screen-shot of the forecast for the last day displayed, and compare that with the actual weather on that day. The forecast will not match the actual weather which occurs.
All forecasts are statistically-based guesses, and are particularly prone to progressively more substantial error beyond three days. The weather / climate for one week out, for two weeks out, for the next month, for the next year, for the next ten years, for the next thirty years, or in the year 2100 cannot be predicted. The more distant the date, the less accurate is the forecast.
Those statistical guesses are based on computer models. Those models' parameters are set by the person running the model, based on his beliefs. As Edward Lorenz demonstrated, the slightest, supposedly insignificant change to those parameters results in radically different forecasts.
Statistics are not proof.
Statistics never establish causality. Statistics never prove anything.
The facts are certain.
Earth's climate is never static.
Earth's climate changes constantly due to natural causes – on any time scale: from day to night, from season to season, from year to year, from century to century, from millenium to millenium, from eon to eon.
The forecasting models do not take that natural change into account; some of those modelers even deny that fact; e.g., debating whether it was warmer in the 1200s and 1300s, and whether there was a "Little Ice Age" with its low point about 1650. The warming trend since 1650 still has not reached the temperatures of 800 years ago, which is unacknowledged by government climatologists.
All modeling used for weather forecasting, whether for near-term weather forecasting or for the climate in some more-distant future, is based on statistics.
Statistics are a record – a historical record – of what has already occurred.
Statistical modeling uses the past to forecast the future.
Statistical modeling looks for historical patterns and trends, and uses any it finds as a tool to forecast the future.
But the future is never just like the past. As the U.N.'s IPCC stated, "Climate has always varied on all time-scales."
"All time-scales" – Weather varies hour by hour; day to day; month to month; year to year; century to century; ad infinitum. Earth's climate is constantly changing.
That use of statistics to forecast the future is identical to trying to drive your car solely by looking in the rear-view mirror.
It is possible to drive that way for a very short period of time – maybe only a few feet, maybe even for a hundred yards – if there are no sudden curves, no oncoming traffic, no kids on bicycles, no busy intersections – i.e., no unforeseen events – in front of you.
For both driving a car using only the rearview mirror, and for statistical modeling, the number of unpredictable events that could happen quickly pile up, becoming ever greater. Over time, an ever-greater number of those possible events – and others not foreseen – actually do occur.
The inability to anticipate an unexpected incident eventually and inevitably results in a failure – not only for statistical modeling, but in the consequences for the people affected.
The whole subject has an exciting-sounding name – Chaos Theory – and includes astounding amounts of complexity.
Mathematicians specializing in Chaos Theory have developed some extremely complex calculations, trying to increase the accuracy of not only their weather predictions, but also similar predictions in other fields of interest as well – with limited successes.
They keep on piling up complexities upon complexities – trying to build castles in the clouds.
If only they could get that first foundation laid and solidly attached to the clouds, the rest of building a castle would be easy. They could build magnificent castles indeed. There is no doubt about it.
But it is getting that first layer of bricks and mortar attached to the clouds that is the problem. Those castles' foundations just cannot seem to be solidly attached in place by anyone – mathematicians included.
They have lots of extremely complex equations, far beyond what any of us mere mortals would want to try to understand. And yet, they just cannot seem to get that first layer of the foundation started for those castles in the clouds.
In the end, they are reduced to saying, "If we could change the problem a little, in just the right way, we could get an answer."
Well, of course. If only you could change the rules, the rules would be different.
If only you could build your castle's foundation on the ground, you could build your castle.
If only you could see what is in front of your car by looking through the windshield instead of looking in the rear-view mirror, you would know where you are going.
If only statistics could establish causality, statistically-based modeling would work.
Ensemble Forecasting
Because the forecasting models invariably produce incorrect forecasts, the Chaos Theory mathematicians have developed a new forecasting technique: "Ensemble Forecasting".
With Ensemble Forecasting, multiple forecasting models are run, each with multiple sets of inputs, in the hope that one of them will produce a result close to what actually happens.
This is equivalent to rolling a pair of dice and, rather than predict the result will be "7" (the most probable result), make the prediction that the result will be "5", "6", "7", "8", or "9". By giving more guesses, the chance that one of them will be right is increased.
The Ensemble Forecasting used for Hurricane Matthew in 2016 demonstrated the lack of validity of this technique: none of the forecasts got an answer that was even remotely close to the actual path of the hurricane.
Ensemble forecasting is an implicit admission that weather forecasting does not work.
Taking the Average
An alternative forecasting method mentioned by IPCC is taking a simple average of all of the results from a set of models.
Taking an average is never a scientifically-acceptable procedure to reach a definitive causal explanation.
Like ensemble forecasting, taking an average is an implicit admission that weather forecasting does not work.
Weather forecasting is barely precise within a few hours. We have all experienced isolated or scattered storms. They can generally be predicted ("There is a 60% chance ...") to occur somewhere in an area, but predicting a specific location is virtually impossible.
Weather forecasting further into the future becomes increasingly imprecise so quickly that forecasting beyond three days – and as Hurricane Matthew proved, sometimes beyond a fraction of a day – must become progressively more vague to be even remotely close to what actually occurs.
The Big Lie
To claim to be able to predict the climate of a year or ten years from now, or in 2100, is laughably absurd nonsense, and the people doing so have the education to know that is true – making any prediction a deliberate lie.
While we know generally what causes the weather, we do not sufficiently understand the impact of each particular cause and the interaction of each cause with all the others sufficiently to establish causality and so accurately predict the weather.
We are so used to the current style of weather forecasts that our minds gloss over the disparities and issues.
What we are used to seeing:
Stray? Possible? In just a few hours?
Having a truly scientific means to predict the weather would result in forecasts something like this:
"You have requested the weather forecast for your backyard (based on your GPS location) on Saturday, the 8th of August, three months from today.  A light rain will occur from 4:02am to 6:38am that morning, with the clouds dissipating afterward to scattered and clearing by 9:12am. Sunny skies and low humidity can be expected for the rest of the day, with a few small clouds in the evening, beginning at 6:14pm. One cloud will pass in front of the sun at 6:42pm, with the shadow covering your backyard for two minutes. Two other clouds will pass over neighboring homes, at 6:32pm and 6:35pm. Winds will be light and from the southwest all day. The low temperature will be 68 degrees, at 6:17am, and the high temperature will be 86 degrees, at 4:06pm. If needed, more detailed information is available on our website."
We can predict the acceleration, velocity, and distance over time of a falling object due to gravity. We can predict a maximum velocity due to air resistance. If necessary, we can even predict the infinitesimal variations in acceleration at various locations due to gravitational variations around the planet. The equations are straightforward mathematics, and the actual facts can be tested anytime, by anyone, anywhere, and the results will be the same, and equally valid. The use of statistics is not necessary, and any attempt would be intrusive and nonsensical.
Mathematician - turned - meteorologist Edward Lorenz began his weather forecasting career during World War II, working for the Army Air Force.
From Wikipedia: In 1961, Lorenz was using a simple digital computer to simulate weather patterns by modeling 12 variables, representing things like temperature and wind speed. He wanted to see a sequence of data again, and to save time he started the simulation in the middle of its course. He did this by entering a printout of the data that corresponded to conditions in the middle of the original simulation. To his surprise, the weather that the machine began to predict was completely different from the previous calculation. The culprit: a rounded decimal number on the computer printout. The computer worked with 6-digit precision, but the printout rounded variables off to a 3-digit number, so a value like 0.506127 printed as 0.506. This difference is tiny, and the consensus at the time would have been that it should have no practical effect. However, Lorenz discovered that small changes in initial conditions produced large changes in long-term outcome.
This issue ultimately led Lorenz to say, "An acceptable prediction of an instantaneous state in the distant future may well be impossible.  In view of the inevitable inaccuracy and incom- pleteness of weather observations, precise very-long-range forecasting would seem to be nonexistent."
There is no valid scientific basis for weather prediction.
Mathematicians who have staked their careers, reputations, and incomes on Chaos Theory naturally have a vested interest in convincing and assuring those who fund them that continued research will enable the development of substantially-improved means of the successful prediction of events through statistical modeling.
The same is true for the Meteorologists and Climatologists who adopt and use those models.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a bureau of the United Nations. The climatologists who are employed by the IPCC applied for their jobs knowing who they would be working for, and what its nominal position on climate change is. Their salaries depend on their research and resulting recommendations supporting the goals of their employer, making what those recommendations would be foregone.
Similarly, the Politicians who have based their rise to power and attempts to circumvent liberties and exert control on "fighting Climate Change" naturally have just as much of a vested interest in perpetuating the claims of that same coterie of Mathematicians, Meteorologists, and Climatologists.
Unlike every other country in the world, the United States' Constitution is above the government, limiting it, and standing beyond politicians' ability to change it and act as they might like.
Politicians naturally want to circumvent that or any limitation on their political power, to subvert it, and to erode its control over them.
Politicians in other countries likewise work to subvert the U.S. Constitution. It stands as an affront to their own desires, and to their own power. It acts as a beacon and reminder to their own population, undermining those politicians' power over that subject population, and giving those people hope for a better future.
The United States and its population living in freedom are a lighthouse, a beacon, giving hope and yearning to the world's oppressed populations.
Imagine the exultant cheers of dictators, telling their subject popu- lations that the United States was brought down by its own leaders, that freedom has failed, that it did not work, and that it can never work – with no United States and no people living in freedom to contradict their claims.
Politicians – both in the U.S. and in other countries (and in the U.N.) – will seize on and utilize any tool which they believe can aid them in their quest for greater power and control over populations.
Politicians' Rule 1: "Never let a crisis go to waste." Rule 2: "Manufacture the crisis."
Climate change is that kind of "crisis".
Climate as a path to control
Stoking fears of climate change to enact laws that limit freedoms under the guise of resolving those issues and fears provides a wedge and inroad to increasing their political power.
Politicians naturally believe they are better qualified to govern the actions of others than are those others themselves.
That belief is in direct opposition to that of America's Founding Fathers, who were convinced otherwise: that people generally are perfectly capable of handling their own affairs; that their only requirement is a restraint and limiting of government to assigned and authorized responsibilities. That makes possible the freedom to act as they choose: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. History has shown that the Founding Fathers were right.
Politicians in countries which oppose the U.S. also see climate-based limitations placed upon the its people not only as justifications for their own actions, but also as a means of diminishing America's power, wealth, and influence, which means more power for them.
Politicians uniformly strive for more political power. The greater the political power at stake, the more ruthless the pursuit.
Politics is highly competitive, and politicians tend to be replaced by politicians who strive harder and are more ruthless than their predecessors.
The U.S. Constitution, standing above the government, beyond its control, with its Bill of Rights, Rule of Law, and separation of powers, disarms would-be dictators (including democracies), and so remains the best defense developed to date to protect the rights of that smallest of groups, the individual, and to assure the greatest possible limitation and restraint of political power.
Download the full PDF here.
Over 1,600 Scientists Sign 'No Climate Emergency' Declaration
The Biden administration has already implemented a ban on incandescent light bulbs, which came into effect on Aug. 1.
Thoughts for the Day
NASA Project Gathers Data On Climate-Influencing Thunderstorms
Last year 11 flights 11 of the data-gathering, 7-hr. flights that soar to 70,000 ft. were logged. This year’s flight campaign, which began in late May, has flown four times so far and is projected to end activities in Salina around June 30.
1970 – Kenneth Field “The world is cooling and global temperatures could drop by up to 11ºC. That would freeze the North Atlantic for 4 months of the year within 20 years …”
From Samuel Shipley on Facebook —
Think for yourselves.
Arctic warming fears – in 1922
Antarctica's last 6 months were the coldest on record
"For the polar darkness period, from April through September, the average temperature was -60.9 degrees Celsius (-77.6 degrees Fahrenheit), a record for those months," the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) said.
The current ice volume in the Arctic Ocean
Arctic sea ice at highest minimum since 2014
43 years is hardly a long enough period to indicate climatic trends. If it were a continuation of the warming trend since 1650, the lowest point of the Little Ice Age, however, that would be encouraging news.
Imports of oil from Russia to the United States have hit all-time highs. We are more reliant on Russia because we cannot get as much supply from our oil producers here in the U.S. Biden’s drilling moratoriums, discouragement of investment in the U.S. oil and gas sector, as well as the demonization of the oil and gas industry, are putting the U.S. on the verge of an energy crisis.
Russia’s Putin counts Biden as oil friend as US falls behind
Meanwhile, U.S. oil production has fallen by 1.715 million barrels from a year ago, thanks to Biden's policies.
Climate Science Is Unsettled and Disaster Isn't in the Offing
In his new book "Unsettled," Physicist Steven E. Koonin, Undersecretary for Science in the US Department of Energy under President Barack Obama, explains how climate research is being undermined and mispresented. Our current state of knowledge about the climate and human influences indicates there is no climate crisis. Hurricanes, tornados, heat waves, and droughts are not getting worse and deaths related to extreme weather events are declining. The public doesn't know this because prominent research bodies, some individual scientists, the press, environmental lobbyists, and politicians are ignoring uncertainties and mispresenting what climate research shows in order to persuade the public that we face a climate crisis. Misrepresenting climate science undermines science itself and democracy.
Magnetic reversal caused massive climate shifts
“A magnetic pole reversal or extreme change in Sun activity would be unprecedented climate change accelerants.”
Biden plan for energy sector would make OPEC great again
Biden's policies will also be a big win for Russia and President Vladimir Putin.
Kerry admits zero emissions in US wouldn’t make difference in climate change
Biden has denied that oil and gas jobs would be lost in his curbing of domestic energy production, even though his last “climate action” scrapping the Keystone XL pipeline will result in thousands of layoffs. West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey said Wednesday that Biden’s energy plan would take a “wrecking ball” to oil, gas and coal jobs in states across the country. “I think he is kicking the American people when they’re down economically."
Good News! Recovery from Little Ice Age continues in 2020!
But the Earth's temperature is still well below that of 1,000 years ago.  See the historical global temperatures charts elsewhere on this webpage, and the article: The Earth is Getting Greener!.
See this video on global temperature changes from 1880 to 2020.
More food is being grown, reducing world starvation.
Change Happens – Theories Come and Go
4.5 Billion Years Ago – Was Earth once a bit more like Venus?
Earth and Venus began with similar atmospheres, but Venus lost its water because it is closer to the Sun and is thus hotter. Earth kept its water, primarily in the form of oceans, which absorbed much of the CO2 from the air.
NASA Says Earth Is Greener Today Than 20 Years Ago Thanks To China, India
The article stresses that "Carbon dioxide concentrations are now the highest they've been on Earth in some 15 million years." But it neglects to give the whole picture: Carbon dioxide concentrations had always been higher than in the past 15 million years, and that the current concentrations are dangerously close to the starvation level for plants.
Western & Southern Hudson Bay polar bears experience earliest freeze-up in decades
Despite this being the best of six very good years for the polar bears of Western Hudson Bay, activist polar bear scientists continue to sell the public their false message of doom based on data from years ago. As I’ve mentioned previously, polar bear data from Western Hudson Bay prior to these good years (i.e. up to 2009 only) was used for the latest model predicting future conditions for polar bears elsewhere in the Arctic. These good years for sea ice and bears have simply been ignored in long-term projections.
Milankovitch’s Mathematical Model Shows Climate Change is Not Man-Made
Southeast Asia extinctions over last 100,000 years due to change from grasslands to rain forest
Only Homo sapiens appears to have had the required skills to successfully exploit and thrive in rainforest environments.
Arctic 'transitioning' to a new climate
Hurrah! Global warming! Climate change is a natural part of Earth's existence. Now if we could only increase the level of CO2, that would make plant life more sustainable; CO2 is too close to the starvation level for plant life – and hence our lives – to be assured.
Ancient genomes suggest woolly rhinos went extinct due to climate change, not overhunting
The DNA data also revealed genetic mutations that helped the woolly rhinoceros adapt to colder weather. One of these mutations, a type of receptor in the skin for sensing warm and cold temperatures, has also been found in woolly mammoths. Adaptations like this suggest the woolly rhinoceros, which was particularly suited to the frigid northeast Siberian climate, may have declined due to the heat of a brief warming period, known as the Bølling-Allerød interstadial, that coincided with their extinction towards the end of the last ice age. "We're coming away from the idea of humans taking over everything as soon as they come into an environment, and instead elucidating the role of climate in megafaunal extinctions."
Aviation A Smaller Contributor To Climate Change Than Previously Thought
Nitrogen oxides emitted in aircraft exhaust increase the production of ozone, a major greenhouse gas, but they also destroy methane, a big contributor to atmospheric warming. Also contrails heat and cool the planet at the same time by trapping atmospheric heat while reflecting sunlight. The net result is that contrails are only about half as bad as previously thought.
At what concentration does CO2 become toxic to humans?
The answer will surprise you.
Texas cave sediment upends meteorite explanation for global cooling
"These signatures were likely the result of major eruptions across the Northern Hemisphere, including volcanoes in the Aleutians, Cascades and even Europe." The Younger Dryas cooling lasted about 1,200 years, so a sole volcanic eruptive cause is an important initiating factor, but other Earth system changes, such as cooling of the oceans and more snow cover were needed to sustain this colder period. This research underscores that extreme climate variability since the last ice age is attributed to unique Earth-bound drivers rather than extraterrestrial mechanisms.
The goal is an excuse for political control, not concern for anyone's well-being.
Inconvenient Facts - The science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know
Download the full PDF here.
The Mysterious Anomaly Weakening Earth's Magnetic Field Seems to Be Splitting
In the last two centuries, Earth's magnetic field has lost about 9 percent of its strength on average. Since our planet's magnetic field acts as a kind of shield – protecting Earth from solar winds and cosmic radiation, in addition to determining the location of the magnetic poles – any reduction in its strength is an important event we need to monitor closely, as these changes could ultimately have significant implications for our planet.
"May daily snowfall records may be shattered."
Arctic and Antarctic sea ice - 27 February 2020 (PDF) - See the webpage here.
Thought for the Day
The weather as a tool of political control ...
UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'
"Redistribution of wealth"? - Why not just call it what it is:
  stealing someone's money  
"Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization."
Demise of coal in rich countries brings global carbon emissions to a stall
Coal generation in advanced economies fell by nearly 15%. U.S. emissions fell 2.9%, or by 140 million tons, continuing the trend of the United States leading the world in total emissions decline since 2000. Emissions in the European Union declined 5%, while Japan’s emissions were 4.3% lower in 2019. But emissions in the rest of the world grew by nearly 400 million tons, with 80% of that increase coming from developing countries in Asia.
Solar System controls the carbon cycle
Humans not to blame for genetic diversity loss
Diversity loss caused by the need to adapt to differing habitats.
Democrat admits climate dogma loses to skeptics, asks YouTube to block them instead
Glacier National Park to remove all 'glaciers will be gone by 2020' signs
Five Doomsday Predictions That Did Not Happen
Poster child for political control:
Rebranding "climate change" to scare you
Climate change remains a political issue - to control you - not a scientific issue
Meanwhile, San Francisco ties all-time low temperature for this date
Giant asteroid strike 13K years ago had 'global consequences,' shocking study says
Decades of failed 'eco-predictions' more about politics than climate
"eco-pocalyptic predictions" have often been used to advance a political agenda
Doomsdays that didn’t happen: Think tank compiles decades' worth of dire climate predictions
Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard
From the Polar Science Center.
Note the data only goes back to 1979.   Data going back 1,000 years (and longer) would have both warmer and colder periods.
The glaciers in Glacier National Park appear to be growing
Glacier National Park quietly removes signs that the glaciers are melting because they are growing
Snowing in Nebraska!
Late May, and it is snowing in Minnesota and Wisconsin - Where is Global Warming when you need it?
Snowing also in Bryce Canyon area of Utah, and in the Sierra Nevadas south of Lake Tahoe
Snow in Yosemite
Snow in Minnesota - 117-year record broken - 10.9" in Duluth; snowiest May ever
Colorado gets 8" to over a foot of snow
Democrats should back Trump's move to pull out of the failed Paris climate accord
Another scientist debunks human-induced climate-change:
Cooling down the hysteria about global warming
(PDF version)
If anything, temperatures are showing a cooling trend.
Chicago hit with over 5" of snow - one of the snowiest days this late in April in history
Over the last 50 years, the polar bear population has quadrupled
Overpopulation is now the problem
Wannabe dictators can't use climate change as excuse to tell you what to do
Climate of Fear:   Global warming agenda driven by hysteria, not facts
No correlation between CO2 levels and temperature
Fastest-thinning Greenland glacier actually thickening
"Inconvenient Facts" - Apple shuts down iPad / iPhone app
- Inconvenient Fact No. 53: "There are more polar bears now than we've had for 50 years."
- Inconvenient Fact No. 10 cites a "Recent Inconvenient Pause of 18 years in warming, despite rise in CO2."
- Inconvenient Fact No. 12: "Modern warming began long before SUVs or coal-fired plants."
- Inconvenient Fact No. 21: "The current warming trend is neither unusual nor unprecedented."
Download the full
PDF here.
Denver - coldest February in 60 years
Minneapolis - coldest since 1873 - minus 13
Los Angelas - coldest February in 60 years
Sierra pummeled - 10 feet of snow coming
One of strongest Arctic outbreaks forecast for first week of March
Chicago - not exactly global warming
Several of these scientists co-authored or reviewed portions of Climate Change Reconsidered, a series of comprehensive climate science volumes compiled by the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC).
Among the highlights of the EIKE conference, scientists will discuss the latest science regarding natural climate cycles, sea level, solar variability versus atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, shortcomings regarding renewable power, flaws in asserted temperature histories, the benefits of a warmer world, desertification, and ulterior goals of climate activists.
“The scientific evidence and conclusions reported by climate scientists are far different than what the environmental left and their legacy media allies would like the public to believe.”
"Climate change is a plot by cultural Marxists"
Measured temperature vs. what NOAA reports - See the fraud.
Historic temperatures do not show a warming trend - and NOAA confirmed it before it began the data tampering.
Humans delayed onset of Sahara Desert by 500 years
Humans had a positive impact, not detrimental like naysayers claim
97% of all climate scientists agree?   Untrue!   How about, just 1%?
From Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer
From Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer
Alarmist now-or-never environmentalists fall flat on their faces
5 June 2018
Climate Change is Dead   or click here to see a PDF version.
19 March 2018
Approaching solar minimum could cause global cooling
25 February 2018
NOAA caught lying about Arctic sea-ice levels again
We are living during an unusually cool period compared to the average for the last 10,000 years.
7 February 2018
Most snow ever for Erie, Pa., and it's only February, with more forecast
22 January 2018
Cleaning up air pollution may strengthen global warming
26 December 2017
Obama EPA used Junk Science to justify regulations
"For the EPA, coming up with cherry-picked data is standard operating procedure."
The Sierra Club prefers the lies
16 December 2017
Global "warming"?   Forget it!   The Sun> is cooling!   And Earth is cooling with it.
Solar cooling allows more Galactic radiation to get into the Solar System, and to Earth
Currently, Solar output is down 0.1% across the energy spectrum.
The Sun is a
variable star - a much bigger factor on changes to our climate than any man-made activity.
25 November 2017
After 30 years, global-warming alarmists still predicting imminent apocalypse
Wrong again, wrong then, wrong forever.
2 November 2017
Someone had this perceptive commentary on geological issues -
No evidence the sealevel is rising. However, it's a matter of perception. I forget which geology class it was mentioned in when I was getting my geology degree, but the west coast rocks are rising, meaning that the sealevel appears to be falling, and the east coast rocks are subsiding, meaning that sealevel appears to be rising there.
There is also the perception that some subsiding islands mean sealevel rise and those islands that are rising suggest sealevels lowering.There IS a major problem with many islands that have starved out their coral reefs from overfishing. Some have even all but destroyed the live corals at the top from dynamite fishing. And some heavily populated islands have polluted their island reefs to death. The upshot is that coral atolls are built by subducting ocean floors, while the corals keep growing toward sunlight and thus keep the atoll above sealevel. Well, these goobers have damaged or killed off their corals. Time to swim.
But it's so much easier to blame someone else, and so religions like global warming make it easy for them. If it's magically someone else's fault, then they don't have to fix their own problems like bleaching of the corals from aspergillus from soil erosion.
13 September 2017
Calls to punish skeptics rise ...
- ban this website???
We will say it again - Human-induced climate change is a hoax!
17 August 2017
100% of U.S. "warming" is data tampering
7 August 2017
Global warming? Not in the U.S. this month! - it's going to be cooler than normal for August
15 May 2017
24 April 2017
Gobekli Tepe carving documents impact of comet fragments that made Earth colder, about 10,950 BC - The event described by the carving at Gobekli Tepe (in southern Turkey) seems to describe the Younger Dryas comet and the resulting extinctions described here, here, here, here, here, and elsewhere (search for "Younger Dryas impact", "Clovis comet", and the North American "Clovis culture demise").
The Gobekli Tepe setlement was built at the very beginning of the human race's transition from nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes to permanent settlement, supported by the discovery and use of the methods of agriculture.   This article suggests that the catastrophic damage caused by the comet may have triggered the transition, due to a greater dependence on agriculture as a necessry means to survival.
If true, human civilization can be pinpointed as having begun at Gobekli Tepe, about 10,950 BC.
12 March 2017
EPA Chief Pruitt - "Carbon dioxide is not a primary contributor to global warming."
13 February 2017
Forty-six percent of meteorologists disagree with human-induced climate-change theories
12 February 2017
David Rose: How can we trust global warming scientists if they keep twisting the truth?
6 February 2017
Weather data fraud at NOAA just before Paris meeting
NOAA's Thomas Karl - one of the Climate Fraud guys.
10 January 2017
Temperatures plummet in the Nothern Hemisphere
9 January 2017
Polar Bear population thriving; no impact as alarmists claim
28 December 2016
100% Of US Warming Is Due To NOAA Data Tampering
3 December 2016
Climate scientist did not toe the party line - and politics out-ranked the data
24 November 2016
Antarctic (South Pole) sea ice has not shrunk in 100 years; land ice increasing according to NASA
"We know that sea ice in the Antarctic has increased slightly over the past 30 years, since satellite observations began."
In another statement, the point was made, "One problem that persists is that there is still only a relatively short series of direct measurements on which to base our understanding of the Arctic. Satellite monitoring of the Arctic only began in 1978, giving us less than forty years of reliable data." (emphasis added)
In studying the climate, forty years is but an instant in time.   Natural variation will inevitably mask any man-made impact during such a short period.   No claim of human impact on climate or specifically, the Arctic ice pack, is therefore possible.   To do so is to state an unabashed falsehood - a deliberate, deceptive lie, which can only serve the purpose of the liar.
- - -
Excerpts from
Media falsely spins Trump's comments on climate change
- The U.S. has had no Category 3 or larger hurricane make landfall since 2005 - the longest spell since the Civil War.
- Strong F3 or larger tornadoes have been in decline since the 1970s.
- Sea level rise rates have been steady for over a century, with recent deceleration.
- Droughts and floods are neither historically unusual nor caused by mankind, and there is no evidence we are currently having any unusual weather.
Green Guru James Lovelock reverses belief in 'global warming': Now says "I'm not sure the whole thing isn't crazy." - Condemns green movement: "It's a religion really, It's totally unscientific".
19 November 2016
UK researchers: tax food to reduce climate change - perverse, sick minds
1 November 2016
Frequency of periods with no sunspots bodes a cold winter
25 October 2016
Plan to subvert anti-climate change revealed in hacked emails
Belief, belief, belief - but no facts
22 October 2016
Another Maunder Minimum / Little Ice Age?
The U.N - Not for Freedom of Speech
CAUGHT ON TAPE: UN bans skeptical journalists from climate summit for holding views not 'particularly helpful'
As noted, "Climate change is a political issue, with political ramifications - freedom vs. control - and not a scientific issue."
14 October 2016
Sadly, there are always those sick souls who will find any excuse to feed their desire to see rampant death and destruction.
As one person noted about Hurricane Matthew's passage, "Some seem disappointed there isn't tragic loss of life/apocalyptic." That describes the nature of those perverse people who so hate their own lives (and people generally) that they would like nothing better than to see destruction on a global scale, even if it would mean their own deaths.   The "global warming" / "climate change" movements serve to provide them with an excuse to feed that self-destructive hatred.
There is no rationale beyond their hatred for life itself that has any meaning for them.   "Science" - i.e., their selective use of a limited, isolated set of facts - to them is just an excuse.
Some Related Articles
The Horror! Climate Change Is Making The Weather More Pleasant
Global Warming Extremists Try To Silence Science - Again
For some, Climate Change is only a means of gaining political control ...
The U.N.: A Factory Of Global Warming Fanatics Who Threaten America
Global Warming: One More Official Exposes Real Goal Of Climate Scare
The above article includes this notable revelation: "Ottmar Edenhofer, who co-chaired the IPCC working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015, has conceded that the climate crusade is an effort to shackle capitalism and establish a global welfare state."
Click her to see a note on the accuracy of those vaunted computer models.
Experts said Arctic sea ice would melt entirely by September 2016 - they were wrong
What these charts clearly show is, as stated above, natural variation.
The charts below also show that the ice levels that have been occurring are not unusual, but are rather well within natural variation.